6ix9ine Apologizes to SteveWillDoIt After Allegedly Stealing $2 Million From Him

6ix9ine has apologized to SteveWillDoIt regarding the money he allegedly stole from him.

On a recent live stream, 6ix9ine discussed the friction between himself and the YouTuber, which started with the latter calling the rapper a rat and an abuser. Steve got on Instagram back in 2023 and shared several posts bashing 6ix9ine before accusing him of stealing $2 million a month later.

According to 6ix9ine, he made a mistake and considers Steve a great friend. He added that their issue was just a misunderstanding. He also claimed they could work something out to stream together once again.

“SteveWillDoIt is a great friend of mine that I still consider my friend. That’s why I never spoke bad about him,” said 6ix9ine. “I want to start off saying SteveWillDoIt it is a great guy. I have so much love for him […] I just think there was a lot of misunderstanding that’s it. I want to take this time to apologize to SteveWillDoIt. Me, cause he put his neck out there for me many times. He went against so many people for me.”

He continued, “He’s always treated my family with respect, he always treated my friends with respect […] My dream is that me and him can reconcile and hopefully on the next stream he could be part of it. I would love to create content with SteveWillDoIt again. At the end of the day I fucked up. There’s a lot of stuff I wasn’t happy about but at the end of the day I made a mistake.”

6ix9ine continued to say he wanted to apologize to Steve and wanted to see him “happy.” The rapper even invited Steve over to his home since he’s on house arrest.

Steve accused 6ix9ine of stealing $2 million in a deal he managed to put together for the rapper. He claimed to have locked in a huge deal with video platform Rumble to have 6ix9ine play video games. Rumble was allegedly going to pay 6ix9ine $2 million upfront for the collaboration, but Steve claims the rapper never fulfilled that contract.

Steve said 6ix9ine spent the $2 million check on gifts for multiple women to spite his ex-girlfriend, leaving the YouTuber with the debt. Steve also claimed that 6ix9ine lied in his giveaway videos.

“Whenever he does those videos where he gives away money, that isn’t his money. When you see him giving his mom a new car, he’s essentially buying himself a new car because he’s not a nice person,” said Steve.

View news Source: https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/a/markelibert/6ix9ine-apologizes-stevewilldoit-stealing

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