Supermarket shoppers given five-day warning over buying popular fruit

Supermarket shoppers given five-day warning over buying popular fruit

Avocado aficionados hitting the supermarket aisles are being served a five-day heads-up to secure that peak ripeness. Judging an avocado’s readiness by its skin can be misleading, prompting experts to recommend a time-sensitive shopping strategy.

The team at Fresh Avocados – Love One Today suggests that if you’re eyeing up avocados for a special meal or gathering, it’s best to bag them five days before the big day. Look for fruit that’s green and feels solid when picked up.

According to these avocado aficionados, it typically takes about five days for such firm, green avocados to become ripe at room temperature, ensuring they’ll be in prime condition just in time. The nutrition gurus explain on their website: “Unripe, firm green avocados can be purchased four to five days ahead of an event.”

They add: “Ripe fresh avocados that yield to gentle pressure should be eaten within a day or two. For events that are four to five days out, purchase firm avocados instead. Unripe, firm or green fruit can take four to five days to ripen at room temperature, perfect for celebrations that are a few days out.”

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They also caution to keep a watchful eye on your avocados, as kitchen temperatures can accelerate ripening, reports the Express.

If they start softening, pop them into the fridge to slow things down.

Fresh avocados nearing ripeness will be less firm, darker in hue and won’t quite give under gentle pressure. If your avocado is at this stage, it’s recommended to wait a day or two for the fruit to fully ripen, otherwise you’ll find the flesh inside tough and tricky to mash.

Avocados that are almost black with just a touch of green, and yield to pressure, are at their peak of ripeness and should be consumed immediately. The colour of the fruit can differ based on the variety.

For instance, Fuerte, Ettinger, Reed, and Sharwill avocados remain green when ripe, so it’s best to judge by firmness as well as colour to determine if the fruit is ready to eat. If an avocado feels squishy and has deep indentations, with a darker yellow or brown flesh, then it’s overripe and best left on the shelf.

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