North East sex offender numbers as interactive map shows how many are in your area

North East sex offender numbers as interactive map shows how many are in your area

The numbers of sex offenders in North East areas have been released, with an interactive map showing how many are in your area. The overall North East number has gone down, although the wider national figures have increased.

There were 4,067 registered sex offenders living across the North East in March 2024, working out as one for every 590 people aged 10 and over in the region. The number of sex offenders has fallen since March 2023, with that total of 4,176 the highest on record.

The number has more than doubled over the past 13 years, with figures being first published at the end of 2010/11. At that point, there were 1,901 registered sex offenders living in the region.

County Durham has the highest proportion of sex offenders per population, with its total of 1,123 working out as 196 for every 100,000 people, with Teesside also high on the list with one for every 562 people.

Area 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
County Durham 446 485 479 539 576 608 669 760 787 842 901 941 1,007 1,123
Teesside 417 545 559 620 662 674 704 814 821 814 1,084 1,104 1,116 912
Northumbria 1,038 1,115 1,179 1,192 1,260 1,376 1,493 1,537 1,644 1,801 1,774 1,895 2,053 2,032

Despite the high numbers of both County Durham and Teesside, the other North East area, Northumbria, has a lower proportion, with 155 offenders per 100,000 in the population.

Looking at the national picture, there were 70,052 in England and Wales in March 2024, up from 68,357 just one year earlier. The Ministry of Justice data covers offenders managed by Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements, which aim to prevent further offences.

Sex offenders are required to notify the police of certain details, with further notification required if any of those details change, meaning that some parts of the country have a higher proportion of sex offenders than others.

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