Parents across the North East are being warned against address fraud as the deadline for primary school applications draws nearer.
The closing date for 2025 applications is in January. And if you don’t apply before the date set by your local authority, you might not get a place at your preferred school.
In addition, all authorities have warnings on their websites regarding address fraud. This is where a parent uses a false address to get a place at a preferred school.
Councils may carry out address checks and ask for proof of address. If they don’t believe your address is genuine, they can withdraw any offer of a school place and may take further action. Here we have rounded up the application closing dates for each North East council and what they say on their websites regarding address fraud.
Applications closing date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Newcastle city council says the offer of a school place could be withdrawn if you have given fraudulent or intentionally misleading information such as a false address. It adds: “You must use the permanent address at the time of application where your child lives with a parent or person with parental responsibility. You can’t use an address where they don’t live, for example a childminder or grandparent’s house.
“Every year we have cases where parents give false addresses to get a place at a preferred school. We carry out address checks and ask for proof of address. If we don’t believe your address is genuine, we will withdraw any offer of a school place and may take further action. If the place is not removed because the fraud isn’t discovered until the child has been attending the school for some time, the school may remove any sibling link for other children in the family or remove the feeder link for secondary transfer. It is your responsibility to prove the child’s address if requested.
“Fraud can prevent genuine applicants from getting a place at a school. If you have any concerns or information about the use of fraudulent addresses, please contact the school admissions team in confidence.”
Applications closing date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
The county council says: “The Admission Authority reserves the right to withdraw places in certain circumstances i.e. where a parent uses fraudulent or intentionally misleading information such as a false address.” It further explains: “Please note that your child’s permanent address determines your catchment school and it is this address which must be used on the application form.”
North Tyneside
Applications closing date: Monday, January 13, 2025
North Tyneside Council also emphasises that your child’s permanent address must be used on the application form. It adds: “The Admission Authority reserves the right to withdraw places in certain circumstances i.e., where a parent uses fraudulent or intentionally misleading information such as a false address.”
Applications closing date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Gateshead Council states: “If false information is declared on a school admissions application this is deemed as committing fraud such as recording an address which the pupil does not actually live at.”
South Tyneside
Applications closing date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
South Tyneside Council states: “Places are withdrawn every year because parents give a false or misleading address on their application form. This includes cases where parents take out a short term let or buy a property solely to use its address on the application form without any intention of taking up permanent residence there.
“In fairness to all parents, the council will investigate all allegations of fraudulent practice brought to their attention and, where appropriate, may monitor the residency details you provide, particularly if use of a temporary or permanent address causes concern. Please note that any offers for a place which is then found to be fraudulent and where the place is not withdrawn the parents will lose any priority for applications for siblings.”
Applications closing date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Sunderland Council says: “The address of the person with parental responsibility is used to determine the school at which a child is offered a place. The addresses of childminders or other family members who may help with childcare cannot be considered. The LA and/or individual governing bodies reserve the right to seek proof of address and withdraw an offer of a place made on the basis of a false address having been given.”
County Durham
Applications closing date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Durham County Council says: “When you complete the application, you must give your child’s current address at the time of application. You must not give the address of childminders or other members of your family who may care for your child.
“If you own more than one property, you should only state the property where you and the child actually live at or spend the most time at during the school year (such as Mondays to Fridays, term-time only). We will not consider temporary addresses as being the child’s address. This means that if, for example, your child lives temporarily with other family members or moves to temporary accommodation for any reason, the child’s address is the one where the child was living before the temporary move took place.”
It further advises that “your child’s school place can be withdrawn even if they have started at the school if the place was fraudulently obtained.”
View news Source: https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/parents-warned-over-address-fraud-30373262