Stacey Solomon breaks down in tears and walks off camera as fans say ‘life is cruel’

Stacey Solomon was brought to tears during the filming of her Sort Your Life Out series while helping a family in Leeds tackle their overly cluttered home.

The emotional moment came when she and the family, Ben and Lynda Brearly-Baird along with their five year old Charlotte, were faced with clearing out their garage that was chock-full of belongings.

The sheer volume of items was overwhelming, including a staggering 53 tool boxes, 239 scarves, and 619 pieces of wood. The heartrending point was when Lynda, who is battling incurable breast cancer, explained her desire to create a happier space for her loved ones.

She shared a poignant moment with the mother-of-five Stacey by showing her a memory box destined for Charlotte, as a way to be part of her life even after she’s gone, a sentiment that moved Stacey profoundly.

With raw honesty, Lynda revealed, “I’ve actually started one myself for unfortunately, ever since (I realised) at some point I won’t be here anymore,” adding, “So this is a box I bought before and then I’ve just been (adding to it).”

Close up of Stacey Solomon looking tearful on the show
Stacey was moved to tears

Opening up about her heartfelt preparations for her daughter Charlotte’s significant life events, she shared: “I’ve also got a notebook that random thoughts have come into my head that I’d probably say to her when she’s a teenager, when she’s a bit older, and things like that… My aim is to do something for her wedding day…or if she ever has children, if I was there, this is what I’d be thinking to you,” which led to Stacey being deeply moved.

“The worst fear for me was when I was first found out, Charlotte was still quite young, is that she won’t remember me. I want her to remember me,” the guest disclosed through tears. In an attempt to offer solace, Stacey comforted her, praising: “There’s something so beautiful and positive about what you’re doing here,” reports the Mirror.

Ben, Stacey Solomon and Lynda sile as Charlotte stands in front of them and Stacey holds the girls hands over her shoulder
Stacey could not hide her emotion

The atmosphere grew heavy with emotion as Stacey appeared on camera, clearly affected as she contemplated: “I’ve never gone through a section where somebody is aware that there’ll be memories they’re going to miss. I don’t want to get upset because I feel like really that’s not my job, like I’m here to help this family, and it’s not happening to me, it’s happening to them,” only to be overcome by her feelings and hiding her face in her hands.

Choking back tears, Stacey apologized: “Sorry, it’s not about me. I’m sorry,” caught in the raw emotion of the moment. With empathy shining through, she said, “I’m just finding it really difficult. Charlotte’s the same age as my little boy. I just think, ‘oh, god’,” visibly shaken by the heartache of Lynda’s circumstances.

Stacey Solomon breaks down in tears and walks off camera as fans say ‘life is cruel’
Fans wholeheartedly agreed with Stacey

“There’s nothing worse is there. I’m so sorry,” she sobbed, momentarily leaving the frame to compose herself. Stacey wasn’t alone in feeling the gravity of the moment, as viewers at home also shared their tearful reactions. A touched fan tweeted (now X): “Oh Stacey, I was holding it together until you went. Such a lovely gift to give this family in an unimaginably horrible situation.”

Another tender-hearted viewer tweeted: “@StaceySolomon Just cried with you. What a beautiful family and omg little Charlotte is adorable; she’s a very kind special lady. I’m in bits already. Life is so cruel. Time is a gift #sortyourlifeout,” resonating deeply with the emotional episode. One more chimed in saying, “Now this is hard making a memory box. Life can be so unfair #sortyourlifeout.”

A third took to Twitter expressing, “Oh, Stacey got so emotional. She’s so empathetic. This family’s story is so sad because they’re such a lovely couple and the daughter is a little star. #SortYourLifeOut.”

Stacey Solomon’s Sort Your Life Out airs on Tuesday’s on BBC One at 8pm

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