County Durham landlord fined £25,000 for leaving homes in ‘significant disrepair’
Durham County Council took legal action against Kamran Adil, of Hebburn Close in Gosforth, for failing to comply with his licensing obligations
Durham County Council took legal action against Kamran Adil, of Hebburn Close in Gosforth, for failing to comply with his licensing obligations
Kenneth Walton was found guilty of wounding with intent following a trial at Teesside Crown Court
Andrew Fowler, 35, was jailed for 17 years for the attempted murder of his former girlfriend
Follow live updates here for the latest on Newcastle’s roads and updates on public transport as the Tyne and Wear Metro experiences serious issues connected to the Gateshead Flyover.
The number of journeys connecting Newcastle and King’s Cross will increase from two to three next December; but smaller stations in Northumberland and County Durham will see fewer LNER services stopping
The County Durham and Darlington PCC has met with the parents of Andrew Rowlands, who was killed in a car crash in June 2020 that bore similarities to another tragic death
Beatrix Adamson Archbold and her family will appear in the Casualty Christmas special on Saturday, December 21
Callum Griffiths, 28, was jailed for eight months at Durham Crown Court
Four-year-old Luna was found in a property strewn with rubbish, clothes and household items
31-year-old Benjamin Clarke told mental health practitioners that he wanted to set fire to a building with Bishop Auckland MP Sam Rushworth in and "lock all the doors so I could hear him screaming"